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Building with Nature (BwN) Entry Points and Policy Review

Based on the intention of further expanding Building with Nature (BwN in Asia, Yayasan Lahan Basah (YLBA) or Wetlands International Indonesia, commissioned The Water Agency to conduct a study and advise YLBA on the potential entry points to mainstream the concept of Building with Nature. Together with YLBA, TWA analysed the enabling and hindering factors to mainstream BwN with regard to the institutional setting to understand the Indonesian policy framework for CCA and DRR and learn the lessons from the pilot project in Demak by conducting interviews and FGD across multiple institutions.

The Entry Points study demonstrates that delivering policy change to accommodate BwN requires multi-sector collaboration governance, both with a top-down and bottom-up approach to enable its mainstreaming across sectors and at multiple scales. Persistent capacity building and communication, especially in the initial phase, are also required to ensure that the local community understands the BwN concept in an easy-to-digest and practical term. An inclusive approach where the local community feels ownership of the project will also make the project and infrastructure more sustainable.

The interest indubitably requires a transformation in developing marine and water infrastructures to address climate, environmental and development-related challenges in Indonesia in parallel. To support this objective, a Policy Review was conducted to support the mainstreaming of the BwN approach in Indonesia’s water infrastructure sector. The report reviewed several planning documents such as the national development plan, ministry/agency strategic plans, and the spatial plan for 2020-2024.


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