A Festive Launching Event of Asia Water Academy
On 16 March 2023, The Water Agency and Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam held an online seminar on the theme of ‘The Impact of Online Water
With the support of NUFFIC Orange Knowledge(TMT++) Program, The Water Agency collaborated with the VU Amsterdam University to provide the platform of Online Water Education (WE are WATER EDUCATION Program) based on practice-oriented and interdisciplinary (Locally & Internationally) which contributed by the Myanmar and International Experts in times of Myanmar crisis. The foundation of the platfors created for online learning: which called as Asia Water Academy and Asia Climate Lab.
Further development of these platforms across the Asia region, millions of professionals from government, private sector and academia are working to address the region’s many critical water, environment and climate challenges. But sometimes there seems to be a gap for the up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge to solve these issues. Asia Water Academy (WE are WATER EDUCATION program) fills this gap by offering online courses on interdisciplinary and practice-oriented topics. Many courses are self-paced and offered for free or at a small fee to be accessible and affordable for everyone.
The program Batch-I for Myanmar has started in 1st September, 2022 and successfully ended in 30th November, 2022. The WE are WATER EDUCATION (Myanmar) program run from February 2022 to March 2023. The sustainability of this program aim to promote and develop to be accessible beyond the program as well as other water-affected South-East Asia countries with the support of Dutch/ International and regional partners to contribute, to create and to stay active for the NL-ASIA Network.
On 16 March 2023, The Water Agency and Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam held an online seminar on the theme of ‘The Impact of Online Water
The Water Agency has been engaging with various local water experts in Myanmar for an online education programme named “WE are Water Education (Myanmar)”. The
Supported by Nuffic and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Water Agency has been working together with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in organizing an online
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