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Asia Raincraft overview session with UN-Habitat

Cities in different parts of the world face different, unique challenges in the face of climate change. To overcome these challenges, many innovative ideas, technologies and solutions has been developed all around the world. Among them, efforts to integrate gamification in the climate adaptation interventions, proves a significant impact in engaging with the community and bringing their ideas into visualization. The Water Agency has been working on the climate adaptation programs utilizing gamification, especially the Minecraft video game, as a collaborative tool to engage with the community. An example is the Yangon Raincraft program, organized in Myanmar together with the Doh Eain, in collaboration with UN-Habitat. Learn more about the program here.

Since then, The Water Agency team has been putting more effort in developing the water and climate education modules integrating with Minecraft video game. In June 2022, we organized an overview session of Asia Raincraft with UN-Habitat to introduce our education program design including methodology, program structure, and training approach. Representatives from The Water Agency, UN-Habitat, and interested parties attended the session, and discussed for the future opportunities for collaboration.

The Water Agency will also be initiating a pilot Raincraft project in Can Tho city, Vietnam in collaboration with the Can Tho University. Learn more about the program here.

Interested to collaborate with us for Asia Raincraft in your city? Contact us!