Presenting Feedback of Advanced Hand-on Trainees in Yangon Technological University

On 13th of December 2019, the symposium that finalized the training that was part of the Orange Knowledge Tailor-Made Training (TMT) Program was organized at Yangon Technological University. Funded by NUFFIC, the Dutch organization for internationalization in education, this symposium showed the devotion of the Myanmar Young Professionals after the training courses. The trainers of Dutch consultant companies, HKV and FutureWater presented what topics were part of the training and how they contributed for the last 2 years. The trainings had started in March 2018, focusing on advanced hands-on water analysis – using Google Earth Engine (GEE). The focus was on analysing how satellite images can be beneficially utilized in universities and water-related organizations in Myanmar.

During the symposium, the participants presented their individual assignments, most of them related to their working fields to the distinguished guests, professors, supervisors and high attendants from Yangon Technological University and Myanmar Maritime University and Government Organizations, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department (IWUMD) and Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems (DWIR). 

Afterward, Mr. Kyaw Nyunt Linn from The Water Agency shared the feedback of the participants of how this training is helpful for their careers and professions, and what kind of training they prefer to learn next time which is informative for both sides to create effective capacity building program better and better via in-depth communication. 

The training in November focused on three themes: River morphology, Integrated Water Resources Management and Landcover classification. The participants presented their outcomes on the symposium and how to apply GEE to obtain the results and the advantages of using GEE and furthermore, how the skills they have learned will contribute to their careers.

At the end of the presentation session, they exchanged the discussion points with their supervisors and received feedbacks of their devotion and works that had been done within this training course.