Bali Raincraft 2023 as the third edition of Asia Raincraft was officially started on Saturday, 12th of August 2023, in Bali, Indonesia. The program kick-off was attended by Stephanus Hanan, Bryan Raharja, Marsha Himawan, and Gustira Pahlevi as the Indonesia Maju Scholarships representatives; Bali Raincraft Project Coordinator from us, The Water Agency; and the 27 participants from Beasiswa Indonesia Maju Scholarship awardees that will join this 8-week program.
Focusing on the introduction of the program and the case study location, the kick-off was divided into three sessions that consisted of: (1) Opening, (2) Site Visit, and (3) Minecraft Training.
First Session: Opening and Program Introduction
The first session was opened with a speech from Andi Yulianti Ramli, the Acting Assistant Deputy for Infrastructure Support Industry from the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves), emphasizing the importance of young generations being aware of Indonesia’s water and climate concerns. A simple yet thorough presentation was then performed, explaining the program methodology, water and climate issues in Renon, the program’s Key Performance Index, and the program outputs. Following that, the participants were divided into six groups containing 4-5 people who will be their partners intensively throughout the program.
Second Session: Site Visit to the Case Study Location – Lapangan Puputan Renon Area

The second session, a site visit to Lapangan Puputan Renon, was conducted after. This field trip aimed to comprehensively obtain substantial information from direct field observation and the locals’ inputs. The participants were free to explore Lapangan Puputan Renon within one hour, where they observed the site’s topography, drainage and sewerage conditions, and conducted interviews with some visitors to broaden their views on the subject severity.
Third Session: Minecraft Introduction and Training
After the site visit and lunch break, the third session began with Minecraft accounts setting up, which was then followed by Minecraft training using a module that was developed by us, The Water Agency. The participants seemed to enjoy themselves and were having a fun time learning the module. Some were having difficulties playing Minecraft, and some were already proficient in it. To close the series of kick-off activities, a briefing regarding the following activities was presented to the participants.
What’s Next?
The upcoming activities will be conducted for the next three weeks, including learning sessions using education modules in Minecraft and workshops with experts that discuss the related water and climate issues in Renon. Subsequently, the participants will co-design their proposed solutions in Minecraft and have several consultation sessions for several weeks before having the final presentation in October 2023.