In the last round of the competition, proposals were judged by a team of internationally renowned urban water leaders, chaired by Professor Vladan Babovic of the National University of Singapore. They announced two winners of the Singapore-Netherlands Sustainability Award: (1) David Gintin, Rayina Rukmina Binol and Tri Handayani from Indonesia for their virtual water campaign “Think Forgotten Water” aimed to create awareness of consumer water usage, and (2) Nishtha Manocha from Singapore who proposed a smart mobile app that leverages mobile technology and social media to collect water consumer data, such as data about water consumption and water quality, that water utility companies can employ to improve their services.

They were presented with their awards by the Dutch Ambassador to Singapore, HE Mr. Jaques Werner, during the Dutch Chamber of Commerce Business Gala in Singapore on 1 April 2015 (photo: the winners with Ambassador Werner).

The gala was attended by Minister for Environment and Water Resources Vivian Balakrishnan, former Dutch Minister Professor Dr Pieter Winsemius – whose father was a key economic advisor to Singapore founder Lee Kuan Yew – as well as CEO’s and senior representatives from the Singapore and Dutch business community.