This month Phandeeyar – Yangon’s tech accelerator – kicks off a new edition of Myanmar’s biggest Start Up Challenge. Participants are invited to come up make their ‘tech business idea become reality’. For inspiration several Ideation workshops are organised on the following topics: Tech for Women Safety, FinTech, Tech for Farms and Tech for Cities.

The Water Agency was invited to speak at the Tech for Cities Ideation event. Gerdien – our business development manager – spoke about the water challenges that Yangon is facing. Tech plays such an important role in working to solve urban challenges. As Yangon continues to develop, the need for smart solutions becomes more and more pressing. In the context of our Partners in Business Urban Water project Gerdien spoke about the water challenges that our PIB UWLY consortium members have encountered during our Thaketa fieldtrip in March and our recent workshop.

An interesting and inspiring evening – let’s see which solutions the participants come up with!