In April 2024, The Water Agency conducted a series of small workshops in Yangon as part of Asia Raincraft: Yangon edition. The workshops involved youths from various backgrounds, including teenagers and young professionals. The main focus was to address pressing water and climate-related topics and to introduce the concept of Raincraft – an innovative approach that utilizes the Minecraft video game as a tool to learn, co-design, and create solutions for real-life water and climate challenges.
The workshops were designed to be engaging and fun, aiming to spark excitement and motivation among the participants. There were three main workshops, along with additional discussion sessions and a final idea showcase. The activities in the first workshop included basic Minecraft training and discussions on the topic of “Water & Health,” which covered water-borne diseases, pollution, and scarcity. Participants then put this knowledge into practice and ideation through the Minecraft module, which offers a virtual experience highlighting the importance of water-related health knowledge and survival actions in high-risk environments. In the 2nd and 3rd workshops, the topics “Water & Cities” and “Water & Design” were introduced, focusing on the connection between water and urban environments, best practices, and design concepts for sustainable and water-efficient cities. Participants were able to experience these theories and actions in Minecraft modules specifically designed for the topics by The Water Agency.
After gaining knowledge and virtual experience with these topics, participants were assigned to groups and challenged to develop a community space in Minecraft considering real-life aspects of effective water management, health, and creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all. The final showcasing workshop involved presenting the ideas and prototype Minecraft models, with awards given based on teams’ innovation and collaborative efforts.
The Water Agency values working with young people through innovative approaches like Raincraft, helping equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to address water management challenges in the context of climate change.
Learn more about Asia Raincraft here.
Interested in collaborating with us through this initiative? Contact us here.