How to develop the Port of the Future – inspirational lecture by Prof. Tiedo Vellinga

What can the port of Yangon look like in the future? How to establish development of the port in the most sustainable way?

In collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and TU Delft, The Water Agency hosted an expert lecture on Port Development on February 28th. During this lecture Prof. Tiedo Vellinga, Port Development expert from the Netherlands spoke on development of the Ports of the Future: Ports of the Future — Lessons learned from the realization of Rotterdam port expansion Maasvlakte 2. ​

In port development it is crucial to think ahead, you are building the port for tomorrow

Prof. Tiedo Vellinga

Over 35 people gathered at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to hear Prof Tiedo Vellinga speaks on the Port of the future. After giving a short introduction on his background Prof Tiedo Vellinga shared his experiences from when he had been closely involved with the development of a port expansion in the Netherlands. The Port of Rotterdam, the largest commercial port in Europe, was in need of further expansion. The project of a 2000ha expansion called Maasvlakte II, was politically sensitive as local stakeholders and residents were opposing further industrialization of the area. To accommodate the port expansion a large natural area was planned to be lost.

With the audience, Prof Tiedo Vellinga shared the new way of working regarding the Maasvlakte II, where the developers had to deal with a double aim. Not only to accomplish economic expansion but also to enhance the liveability of the area. Only that way would stakeholders surrounding the port and, in the hinterland, support the development. Characteristic for the Maasvlakte 2 project are its climate proof design and realization with respect for nature, through its streamlined coastal defense and the co-creation of new nature. As such, the Maasvlakte 2 is an example of further development of the master planning for the Port of the Future.

The Professor shared various examples of how everything regarding the design and preparations of the port was weighted against the standard of increasing liveability. He mentioned that in port development it is crucial to think ahead, about tomorrow. This means you also sometimes have to work around existing legislation, as the current legislation does not cover what you plan to do.

 ​Group picture of the audience

 ​TWA’s Gerdien thanking Tiedo for his inspiring talk